Jack The Ripper

Jack the Ripper has become quite a famous man due primarily to his ability to stump Scotland Yard. This legendary serial killer is considered the first serial killer in history or at the very least the first to go uncaught by the police. He was particularly famous because of his ability to taunt Scotland Yard and the fact that he remained at large and to this day has never been identified.

Jack the Ripper was named so due to the manner in which he killed his victims. This serial killer was based out of London and would attack prostitutes at night. One of his first kills was that of a prostitute in the bed of a room where he eviscerated her and left her body completed ripped open and her innards left scattered around the bloody mess. He would cut the victims from the top of their body to the bottom and then across so that he could remove their insides. He would also cut their faces. It was this manner of slicing and dicing his victims as well as the messages he sent after the killings to Scotland Yard that earned him the nickname.

This man is not just famous for attacking repeatedly in the same fashion or for the seemingly un-emotionally driven murders but also for his ability to taunt police. He would send letters full of riddles to Scotland Yard and at the end of one such letter he signed it “Jack the Ripper”. This sealed his nickname into history. He became quite fond of sending such teasing letters to Scotland Yard and in spite of using new forensic methods the police at the time were unable to solve the riddles and catch the man. The manner in which he taunted local authorities and the fact that he remained at large and could have moved anywhere or been anyone only served to enhance his fame in history.

This particular serial killer remained one of the most notorious in the history books and in fact around the world until well after the 1950’s. Thanks to the efforts of Scotland Yard to catch the man who was terrifying London inhabitants new methods of forensic evidence were utilized to catch murderers and other criminals. In some respects were it not for his taunting and teasing the desire to work all the harder and to invest in new methods of forensic science may very well have not been developed.